Jane Chase Counselling and Psychotherapy



A space for learning, development and reflection with a practice that values expertise, tolerating uncertainty, creativity and inviting multiple perspectives.

Systemic supervision provides a team or individuals with a space in which for discussion, exploration and reflection of their professional practice, their client base, and their role within their context.

Supervision may include discussing issues relating to young people, a practitioner’s own personal and professional development, relationships between teams or wider organisational issues.  The key aim is to support supervisees in developing best practice in relation to their role, their relationships with other agencies and colleagues and for themselves as professionals. 

I bring a dialogical and social constructionist approach to supervision and consider:

  • Ethical issues and power
  • Contextual influences
  • Problems, Possibilities, Resources and Restraints
  • Positions of safe uncertainty and relational risk-taking
  • Working with difference informed by the Social Graces
  • Developing Multiple Perspectives

I offer supervision for individuals, teams and small groups. Please also see the systemic training and development for teams and organisations that Jane is able to offer with colleagues.

We are inspired and informed by the following:

Supervision as organisational development: to consider how the role of supervision can develop and bring about change in organisations and foster new and emergent ideas that feed into an evolving culture of change.

Supervision as research: using supervision as a research process to continuously informing the organisation about its performance.

Supervision as learning to transgress: developing the reflexive nature of supervision in which discourses are challenged and addressed.

Supervision as personal development: addressing the learning needs of the individual practitioners in order to become conscious of their own processes, supporting participants to continually adapt to the context in which they are working.

Taken from Systemic supervision in statutory social work in the UK: systemic rucksacks and bells that ring (2018). Paul Dugmore, Karen Partridge, Indeep Sethi & Monika Krupa-Flasinska

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